March 15, 2007

A Beautiful Bridal Portrait Shoot

I had an absolute blast this past weekend on a bridal portrait shoot. This is such an amazing way to get some truly fun, fresh and beautiful images of brides before or after the wedding. (I recommend after when you are less cautious about your dress!)

Many brides are a little distracted on their wedding day simply because the day is very surreal and the emotions can be overwhelming. I also get calls from previous brides who married a year or two ago and didn't love their wedding photos or didn't like their hair, so they'd like to have more pictures taken. This type of fun, editorial style Bridal Portrait Shoot is the perfect way to get some really amazing shots, like we did with Kim here, where you are more relaxed and we have more time just to focus on you.

It doesn't hurt that Kim is absolutely stunning and willing to do almost anything. She was such a blast to work with.

And while she looks like a model, she's not, she is a teacher!

(Click on image to enlarge and view high quality image. This blog drastically reduces the image quality and size for publishing.)

We stopped at this area where these guys were walking their dogs and one of them just ran up to her to say hi! And then she took his little friend for a walk. It was a blast and made for some really fun shots.


Anonymous said...

I love your bridals. They are so new and refreshing

Anonymous said...

I love looking at all of the shoots you do. It makes me even more excited for our day to come Thanks again~~Melinda